Results for 'Nathalie Danjoux Meth'

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  1.  44
    Multi-Professional Recommendations for Access and Utilization of Critical Care Services: Towards Consistency in Practice and Ethical Decision-Making Processes.Laura Hawryluck, Redouane Bouali & Nathalie Danjoux Meth - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (2):254-262.
    The ethics sections of Critical Care Societies have issued position statements and proposed a variety of position papers and policies describing the appropriate use of critical care services. These policies describe the goals of critical care provision — to support a patient through an acute, potentially reversible, life-threatening illness — and provide broad guidance on physiological and hemodynamic criteria that require the specialized care of an ICU environment. In recent years, many critical care professionals have, however, reported providing care they (...)
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    Evaluating Abstract Art: Relation between Term Usage, Subjective Ratings, Image Properties and Personality Traits.Nathalie Lyssenko, Christoph Redies & Gregor U. Hayn-Leichsenring - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    How to identify the units, levels and mechanisms of language evolution.Nathalie Gontier - 2010 - In A. D. M. Smith (ed.), The evolution of language: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference (EVOLANG 8). pp. 176-183.
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    tDCS for Memory Enhancement: Analysis of the Speculative Aspects of Ethical Issues.Nathalie Voarino, Veljko Dubljević & Eric Racine - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Le réveil des angoisses précoces d'écoulement ou d'assèchement lors de l'apprentissage de la propreté.Nathalie Barabé - 2001 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 152 (2):99-106.
    Le travail de prévention auprès d’enfants en âge d’apprendre la propreté donne parfois à observer, lors de cette étape, un réveil aigu d’angoisses primitives d’assèchement et de liquéfaction qui entravent l’investissement normal de cette fonction et se relient à des vécus périnatals. En deçà de la symbolique d’échange et « d’objet-matières » à donner ou à garder telle que l’a définie Freud, les jeunes enfants associent également cette étape à la perte des eaux et à la naissance, et certains vécus (...)
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    Shikoku’s local authorities and henro during the golden age of the pilgrimage.Nathalie Kouamé - 1997 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 24 (3-4):413-425.
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    Violent research: The ethics and emotions of doing research with women in south Africa.Paula Meth & Knethiwe Malaza - 2003 - Ethics, Place and Environment 6 (2):143 – 159.
    The twin concepts of ethics and emotions are used in this paper to examine experiences of doing research on the topic of violence. Ethical questions are of significance when carrying out research which is potentially distressing to the research participant. Through field experiences in South Africa the author argues, however, that despite the growing concern among geographers over the ethical dimensions of their work, the implementation of ethically guided research practice is often less simple in reality. The concept of emotions (...)
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    Lubrich Ágost.András Németh - 1992 - Budapest: Országos Pedagógiai Könyvtár és Múzeum.
  9. Tragikum és történetfelfogás.G. Béla Németh - 1971 - Budapest,: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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  10. The self in ancient and early modern philosophy.Attila Németh & Dániel Schmal (eds.) - 2025 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This remarkable open-access collection of scholarly studies by internationally distinguished experts explores the intricate and multifaceted philosophical concepts of the Self as understood in Graeco-Roman antiquity and the early modern period. The contributors weave together a rich tapestry of historical and comparative case studies that highlight tensions as well as connections between ancient and early modern perspectives on the Self.
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    From jewish are you?Gábor Németh - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (2):224-228.
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    Toegang tot het recht in de rechtsstaat.Nathalie Franziska Hendrika Schnabl - 2021 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 50 (Pre-publications).
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  13. Methods to assess the reliability of the interRAI Acute Care: a framework to guide clinimetric testing. Part II.Nathalie I. H. Wellens, Koen Milisen, Johan Flamaing & Philip Moons - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):822-827.
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    Autisme et adolescence.Nathalie Poirier, Catherine Kozminski, Maëlle Adenot, Erika-Lyne Smith, Catherine Taieb-Lachance & Ariane Leroux-Boudreault - 2017 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Cet ouvrage est né d'une réalité et d'un besoin. La petite Maëlle, enfant autiste, est devenue adolescente, alors il fallait la suivre pour mieux l'accompagner dans cette nouvelle étape de sa vie. Comme cela arrive chez les autres enfants qui entrent dans l'adolescence, tout est remis en question : les idéaux, l'identité, l'amitié, l'amour. Entre-temps, il y a eu la publication de la cinquième version du Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux (DSM-5). Il fallait donc étudier cette entrée dans (...)
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    Towards a theory of synagonism.Nathalie Karagiannis & Peter Wagner - 2005 - Journal of Political Philosophy 13 (3):235–262.
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    La vie m'est-Elle donnée? Réflexions sur le statut de la vie dans la phénoménologie.Nathalie Depraz & Natalie Depraz - forthcoming - Les Etudes Philosophiques.
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    Green is the New White: How Virtue Motivates Green Product Purchase.Nathalie Spielmann - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (4):759-776.
    It is important to understand the drivers of green consumption, because of growing concern for the health of the planet. In this paper, the assumption that a virtue-green product relationship exists is tested. The objective is to understand how product morality can influence the valuation of green products. Relying on virtue theory and positive spillover as conceptual bases, the research implicitly and explicitly tests and confirms green product virtue. The results demonstrate that perceived green product virtue leads to positive emotions, (...)
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  18.  26
    The Role of the Ugly = Bad Stereotype in the Rejection of Misshapen Produce.Nathalie Spielmann, Pierrick Gomez & Elizabeth Minton - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):413-437.
    A substantial portion of produce harvested around the world is wasted because it does not meet consumers’ shape expectations. Only recently has research begun investigating the causes underlying misshapen produce rejection by consumers. Generally, this limited research has concluded that misshapen produce is subject to an ugly penalty, leading consumers to form biased expectations regarding product attributes (e.g., healthiness, tastiness, or naturalness). In this research, we propose that this ugly penalty extends to the moral valuation of misshapen produce and that (...)
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    Bibliographie des études sur Léon Chestov.Nathalie Baranoff - 1978 - Paris: Institut d'études slaves.
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    Slow and fast thinking, historical-cultural psychology and major trends of modern epistemology: unveiling a fundamental convergence.Nathalie Bulle - 2014 - Mind and Society 13 (1):149-166.
    There exists a fundamental convergence between some major trends of modern epistemology—as outlined, for instance, by Filmer Northrop and Henry Margenau—and the theories actually developed within sciences of the human mind where two types of thought—one implicit and, the other, explicit—tend to refer to two different lines of development. Moreover, these theories can find in the psychology of Lev Vygotsky some seminal hypotheses of a major importance. In order to highlight this convergence, we parallel the role played by structured conceptual (...)
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  21.  27
    Entre christianisme et bouddhisme.Nathalie Depraz - 2002 - Diogène 200 (4):25-37.
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  22. Mind with matter : a conversation about math education and new materialism.Nathalie Duponsel & Sandra Chang-Kredl - 2019 - In Boyd White, Anita Sinner & Pauline Sameshima (eds.), Ma: materiality in teaching and learning. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
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  23. Evolutie van taal.Nathalie Gontier - 2006 - In I. Tallon (ed.), Evolutie vandaag: hoe de dingen ontstaan en waarom ze veranderen. pp. 239-263.
  24.  11
    The art of good habits: health, love, presence & prosperity.Nathalie W. Herrman - 2015 - Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications.
    Presents a step-by-step action plan to take ownership of your happiness through simple but effective changes to the way you approach health, love, presence, and prosperity.
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    Of mirrors & apple trees: the Lomdus of Peru u-revu.E. Meth - 2014 - New York, NY: Kodesh Press.
    Peru u-revu is the sacred responsibility to have children. This responsibility is foundational to the human experience, and to the experience of being Jewish. Of Mirrors & Apple Trees: The Lomdus of Peru u-Revu comes to analyze: a. the philosophy of this mitzvah, b. how this philosophy is derived from analyzing the mitzvah's parameters, and c. how this philosophy is derived from analyzing the mitzvah's interrelationship with some of the Torah's other mitzvos.
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    A művéset sorsfordulója.Lajos Németh - 1970 - Budapest,: Gondolat.
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    Simone de Beauvoir and the Colonial Experience: Freedom, Violence, and Identity.Nathalie Nya - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    Simone de Beauvoir and the Colonial Experience presents a gendered and female perspective of French colonialism between 1946 and 1962. Beauvoir’s colonial reflections can help us to better gauge how women—White, Asian, Arab, Caribbean, Latina, mixed race, and Black—decipher the crimes and injustices of French colonialism.
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    Comment conserver des futurs énergétiques ouverts?Nathalie Ortar - 2020 - Multitudes 77 (4):109-115.
    Dans le cadre du projet européen Shape Energy, des ateliers multipartites destinés à faire émerger des scénarios autour de futurs énergétiques désirables ont été organisés autour de problématiques locales en partenariat avec dix-sept villes européennes. Revenir sur ces différentes expériences convie à interroger deux des résultats. Le premier est celui de la méthode utilisée, le storytelling. Le deuxième est celui des thématiques traitées et des questions sous-jacentes.
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    Alain Finkielkraut and the Politics of Cultural Identity.Nathalie Rachlin - 1995 - Substance 24 (1/2):73.
  30. Hans Jonas ou la vie dans le monde.NATHALIE FROGNEUX - 2001
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    Democracy as a Tragic Regime: Democracy and its Cancellation.Nathalie Karagiannis - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (1):35-49.
    To see "democracy as a tragic regime", as Cornelius Castoriadis did, is to recognize the ever-present risk of democracy’s cancellation, but it also means to emphasize the anti-democratic nature of such cancellation, thus its incompatibility with democracy. In the context of this understanding of democracy, the article takes the political to consist of those relations among people and among institutions within the polis, which aim at deciding about the polis’ fate. It takes the social to be those relations among people (...)
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    Book Symposium on Le concept d’information dans la science contemporaine.Nathalie Simondon, Marc Vries, Jean-Hugues Barthélémy, Nandita Mellamphy & Andrew Iliadis - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (3):269-291.
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  33. Hierarchies, Networks, and Causality: The Applied Evolutionary Epistemological Approach.Nathalie Gontier - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (2):313-334.
    Applied Evolutionary Epistemology is a scientific-philosophical theory that defines evolution as the set of phenomena whereby units evolve at levels of ontological hierarchies by mechanisms and processes. This theory also provides a methodology to study evolution, namely, studying evolution involves identifying the units that evolve, the levels at which they evolve, and the mechanisms and processes whereby they evolve. Identifying units and levels of evolution in turn requires the development of ontological hierarchy theories, and examining mechanisms and processes necessitates theorizing (...)
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    En tout et pour tout.Nathalie Nercam - 2013 - Plato Journal 13:37-50.
    he purpose of this paper is to show that the last part of the Theaetetus can be interpreted in a new way, by a discontinuous and thematic analysis and by referring to the central digression of the dialogue. The refutation of the so-called “Dream Theory” is then no longer a dead end. On the contrary it provides results certainly limited but nevertheless consistent. Indeed, through this examination, Socrates analyzes “the whole.” The words πᾶν and ὅλον, designate the general rule of (...)
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    L'accaparement comme réponse au traumatisme chez l'enfant placé en institution.Nathalie Guillier & Daniel Derivois - 2012 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4 (4):121-135.
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    One Conclusion and Two Explanations: Bentham’s Economic Analysis of International Trade.Nathalie Sigot - 2024 - In Benjamin Bourcier & Mikko Jakonen (eds.), British Modern International Thought in the Making: Politics and Economy from Hobbes to Bentham. Springer Verlag. pp. 205-230.
    In this chapter Nathalie Sigot argues that Bentham’s interest in international trade lies in the consideration of the redistributive effects of trade and its consequences on happiness for one’s society. Sigot demonstrates that Bentham’s view on international trade changed between 1786 and 1821, when the principle of the limitation of industry by capital disappeared from his writings. Sigot explains how Bentham’s approach is driven by a focus on security and on a calculus of gains and losses in terms of (...)
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    Bouche bée.Nathalie Barberger - 2002 - Rue Descartes 4 (4):71-82.
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  38. Cockroaches, or Worlds as Images.Nathalie Blanc - 2007 - Contemporary Aesthetics 5.
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    Le face-à-face citadins/nature.Nathalie Blanc - 2013 - Multitudes 3 (3):129-139.
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    Older Workers in Changing Social Policy Patterns.Nathalie Burnay - 2009 - Studies in Social Justice 3 (2):155-171.
    Normal 0 false false false EN-CA X-NONE X-NONE Compared to other European countries, the employment rate of older workers in Belgium is rather low. This paper argues that one of the most relevant factors underlying the problems of this low employment rate in Belgium is the social policies directed at older workers. Indeed, when unemployment became a widespread phenomenon in the1970s and 80s, early-retirement schemes were designed to alleviate the financial implications on an aging workforce. The government encouraged anyone over (...)
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    Complex emergent properties in synchronized neuronal oscillations.Nathalie Corson & M. A. Aziz-Alaoui - 2009 - In Moulay Aziz-Alaoui & Cyrille Bertelle (eds.), From System Complexity to Emergent Properties. Springer. pp. 243--259.
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    L'Art de faire le vide.Nathalie Desmet - 2011 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 8 (2):40-49.
    Résumé Après la première exposition « du vide » d’Yves Klein, nombreux sont les artistes à avoir proposé des expositions en apparence vide. Dans les années 2000, elles sont l’objet d’un intérêt nouveau de la part de commissaires. Leur auto-réflexivité interroge sur le geste curatorial et sa dimension iconoclaste. La disparition de l’œuvre concourt à une mise en valeur du lieu institutionnel, voire à son image de marque. En offrant une nouvelle visibilité, ces expositions posent la question de la disparition (...)
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  43. Le récit de rêve dans l'œuvre fantastique de Théophile Gautier.Nathalie Dumas - 2004 - Iris 26:317-329.
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    Benedetto Croce, Nuovi saggi di estetica** Benedetto Croce, Il carattere della filosofia moderna.Nathalie Frogneux - 1993 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 91 (92):664-666.
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    The Making of Cultural Heritage.Nathalie Heinich - 2011 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 22 (40-41).
    How does an artefact enter the corpus of national cultural heritage? The answer to this question offers a pragmatic understanding of the reasons why the expansion of national corpuses has been so widespread, generation after generation and especially during the last one. Of course, there are alsomore general “societal” or “cultural” reasons for such a worldwide phenomenon: a number of explanations have already been proposed by philosophers, historians, sociologists, anthropologists. However, one should not underestimate the effects of the inventorial techniques (...)
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    Les lignes brisées de l’art. Diderot et Baudelaire devant la peinture.Nathalie Kremer - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 25 (1):145-153.
    Dans leurs écrits sur l’art, Diderot et Baudelaire montrent comment les lignes des tableaux dirigent l’œil pour générer un intérêt, voire un choc déclencheur d’une expérience esthétique lorsqu’elles sont brisées. Les rides, fissures, plis qui rompent l’harmonie des figures sont pour Diderot une source profonde d’émotion, tandis que la ligne serpentine est de préférence infléchie en arabesque par Baudelaire. À leur façon, le philosophe et le poète montrent ainsi comment la pensée esthétique moderne se nourrit de ces désordres et irrégularités (...)
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    Sartre.Nathalie Monnin - 2008 - Paris: Belles lettres.
    Jean-Paul Sartre, philosophe, écrivain, dramaturge et grande figure de l'intellectuel politique, aura profondément marqué le XX siècle. Penseur de la liberté et de son envers, l'aliénation, de l'engagement et de la responsabilité, du pour-soi et de l'en-soi, de la conscience et du monde, du sujet et d'autrui, de la morale et de la mauvaise foi, du groupe en fusion et de la série, de la totalité et de l'Histoire, il est une voix originale de la Phénoménologie. Pour Sartre, l'homme est (...)
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    Habiter avec soi.Nathalie Mourgues - 2024 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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    Between Christianity and Buddhism: Towards a Phenomenology of the Body–Mind.Nathalie Depraz - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (4):23-32.
    This paper is situated in the broader context of an examination of the relationship between East and West from the particular perspective of our experience of the body. It is therefore based on two specific traditions, one belonging to the East - a particular strand of Tibetan Buddhism - the other to the West - the Orthodox tradition of the heart prayer - in order to try to show the similarities and differences in their approach to the body and attempt (...)
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    Simultaneous DBS and fMRI in the rodent brain.Van Den Berge Nathalie, Dauwe Ine, Vanhove Christian, Van Mierlo Pieter, Raedt Robrecht, Vonck Kristl, Boon Paul & Van Holen Roel - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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